Winner Testimonial!
Meet a $5,000 Winner
This is Edgar! Edgar won $5,000 on Sweepszilla and has been crowned as Sweepszilla’s first ever $5,000 winner! In 2018 Edgar found Sweepszilla through a newsletter and decided to submit entries, you can guess what happened next…. He got an email stating he won $5,000! A week later he sent us this picture of him holding his $5,000 check. You can read more about Edgar’s road to winning right here.
Sweepstake Mistake
Update your information when you move
The average person moves their household 11.7 times throughout their life. When you move it’s very important that you update your information – otherwise there could be prizes being mailed to your old address! As soon as you find out you’re going to be moving, start making sure that you are submitting entries with your new address listed. Some sweepstakes, like Sweepszilla, always have you confirm your prize address when you win through your email, so make sure that your email is up to date at least. This way you’ll be able to confirm your new address when you win.

Good Luck Charm
What’s your good luck charm?
We all have something or someone that brings us good luck. It could really be anything, perhaps it’s a lucky pair of pants, or maybe even a person. Some of us even have rituals that bring us good luck, like submitting entries at the exact same time everyday. Whatever it is that brings you good luck, we recommend you keep doing it! There’s no point in not doing it after all. I know for me, I always wash my hands before doing anything that might require an extra luck boost! It doesn’t work all the time, but it brings extra confidence and sometimes it does work!